List of Patientview Tests with units

List of Patientview Tests with units

Heading Code Heading DescriptionUnitsFormat/codesRangeComments
acr ACR Albumin:creatinine ratio  mg/mmol

adjustedcalcium AdjCa Adjusted Calcium  mmol/l

albumin Alb Albumin  g/l

alp AlkP AlkP   IU/l

alt ALT ALT   IU/l

amyAmylaseAmylase U/l

ast AST AST   U/l

bili Bili Bilirubin   umol/l

bmi BMI Body Mass Index

BodyTemperatureBody TempTemperature in o C

bpdia BPdia Diastolic blood pressure mm Hg

bpsys BPsys Systolic blood pressure mm Hg

calcium Ca Calcium  mmol/l

cholesterol Cholest Cholesterol mmol/l

ciclosporin Ciclo Ciclosporin  ng/ml

covid19antibodyCovid 19 AntibodyCovid-19 Antibody test
0, Negative, 1,IGM Antbody Positive, 2, IgG Antibody Positive, 3, IgM + IgG Positive

cov19lflowcovid-19 Lateral Flow TestCovid-19 Lateral Flow Test
Negative, Positive

cov19pcrcovid-19 PCRCovid 19 PCR test
0,Positive, 1, Negative

creatinine Creatinine Creatinine  umol/lmicromol/l

crp CRP C-reactive protein  mg/l

egfr eGFR Estimated GFR  ml/min/1.73m2

ferritin Ferr Ferritin   ug/l 

folatefolateSerum Folateug/l

ft3 FT3 Free T3 .  pmol/l

ft4 Free T4 Free T4 .  pmol/l

ggt GGT GGT  U/l

glucose Gluc Glucose randommmol/l

hb Hb Haemoglobin  g/l

hba1c HbA1c HbA1c  mmol/mol

hbvHep BHepatitis B Antibody
neg, pos, unknown

hco3 HCO3 Bicarbonate  mmol/l


hcvHep CHepatitis C Antibody
neg, pos, unknown

hdl HDL HDL is a cholesterol test.  mmol/l

height Height Height in cmcm

inr INR 

0.9-1.3, but on Warfarin usually 2-4 
iron Iron Iron  mmol/l

ironsat Fe Sat Iron Saturation  %

This is the same as Transferrin but some units submit as Fe saturation
ktv Kt/V Kt/V  ratio
ldhLDHLactate DehydrogenaseU/l

ldl LDL LDL is a Cholesterol test.  mmol/l

lhratio Ratio LDL:HDL ratio .  ratio


lithium Li Lithium levelmEq/l
magnesium MgMagnesium mmol/l


pcr PCR Protein Creatinine ratio  mg/mmol

phepku Phe Phenylalanine  mg/dl

not sure about units for this but it is a very rare disease and there will be very few results
phosphate PhosPhosphate  mmol/l

platelets PlatsPlatelets  109/l

potassium PotassiumPotassium  mmol/l

psa PSA Prostate Specific Antigenng/ml

pth PTH Parathyroid hormone pmol/l


ret-heRET-HEReticulocyte Haemoglobinpg

sirolimus Siro Sirolimus ng/l

sodium SodiumSodium  mmol/l

t4 Tot T4 Total thyroxine.  ng/l

tacrolimus Tacro Tacrolimus ng/ml

testosterone Serum Testosterone Testosteroneng/dl

tg TG Triglycerides mmol/l

tpmtTPMT levelsTPMTmU/l

transferrin Tferrin Transferrin   %% saturation


tsh TSH Thyroid stimulating hormonemU/l

ualbuminUrine AlbuminAlbumin in urinemg/l

ucreatinineUrine CreatinineCreatinine in Urinemmol/l

updipstickUrine Protein DipstickUrine Protein Dipstick
negative, trace, +,++,+++,++++

uproteinUrine Protein Protein in urinemmol/l

sometimes g/day in a 24hour sample
urate Urate Uric Acid  mmol/l

urea Urea Urea  mmol/l

urr URR Urea reduction ratio ratio

vitb12Vitamin B12Vit B12ng/l

vitd Vit D Vitamin D nmol/l

wbc wbc White blood cell count  109/l

weight Weight weight in kg. kg