2021-03-22 Meeting notes

2021-03-22 Meeting notes




  • Review outstanding tasks and plan progress

Discussion items

Outstanding TasksTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • George hasn't heard back from renalware he will chase this week.
  • NHS England Extract this needs to be done this week for upload Thursday/Friday. Future dates are 30/04, 30/07 and 29/10. George needs to do the late extract (due 26/02) because there are changes needed in the code to make it work as required. He will document the process/update the documentation and future extracts should be doable by other team members. 
  • Joel will and some further updates to the documentation on tags/commits and deployment processes improvements.
  • Pentesting. Andrew has had the results for the RaDaR servers to assess and change. He noted that they had found a version of jquery he thought he had upgraded which raised the question as to whether the deployment is working as expected and updating everything that should be. Andre has the issues raised with the django sights to review the key issue seemed to be the CORS cross orgin resource sharing was not properly configured.
  • Joel highlighted the dependabot checking for security issues that github provides and wondered how this could work with the Bitbucket repos. Ideally we would use dependabot which originallys supported Bitbucket however since github took  it over and with the repositories mainly on N3 most services like this will not work. Ideally we would run a dependency check like dependabot against our code base in bitbucket. In the long term a move to github could resolve this issue. Meanwhile all team members need to ensure they check their codebases for security updates and apply as required when working on code. Joel flagged that urlib3 seems to be the main issue at the moment.
  • Validation Fran has not been able to progress testing however there is a validation meeting this week when a release date for the latest build could be defined.
  • Andre has added the new region feature for superadmins and will deploy the code to production today.
  • The star registry we are waiting to hear back from  BCH as to whether rebooting the server restored the missing admin services. The IT person is out until Thursday.
  • Alphastudy want to keep the site active and will pay for it so Fiona will renew the SSL certificate. it is likely that after they have gone through the data that was downloaded and corrected/augmented the records a new dump will be required.
  • Andre has completed the 2016 data and spoken with Sarah and Anna wabout the missing files. Sarah wil try and get copies of the missing files otherwise the data will have to be copied from the production database.  Anna has confirmed she doesn't use creatinine data on its own so there is no reason to load creatinine only files.
  • Andy has more or less completed a docker-compose based RaDaR development environment and would welcome feed back. There are still some elements that are missing  and it doesn't improve on the deployment mechanism which he will work on next.
 Github Dashboard Joel Collins (Deactivated) Joel has created a github dashboard to track the new UI issues https://github.com/orgs/renalreg/projects/2

Action items

  • George Swinnertonto update the NHS England Extract code and then update the documentation as required to ensure other team members can do it in future and produce the NHS England Extract for upload on Thursday  