2021-04-19 Meeting notes

2021-04-19 Meeting notes




Discussion items

Outstanding Items@Tim Whitlock
  • George will follow up about the renalware Trello tasks when chasing the laborder query with renalware.
  • The NHS England extract has been completed this month and the documentation updated. It still needs extra information on how to send the larger files (AKI) which need to be split into multiple parts. George will add this extra detail allowing other team members to do the next Extract.
  • Andre is still investigating the missing hash issues on the AKI database and trying to identify the cause/s
  • No update on the Automatic tracing process for RaDaR
  • Pentesting we have not had feed back from circle who have allocated time to address the pentesting issues raised. Andrew has been looking at the RaDaR issues raised. Tim is increasing the security settings on the servers as they have been supporting older protocols due to users still using them. With the changes with the NHS and Windows7 going obsolete many are not longer needed.
  • Validation Release. There were couple of issues flagged last week one to do with the way data structures changed between python2 and python3  which Joel fixed and an issue raised by Shaun where due to new fields in a table the editor now doesn't display the correct data in some columns. Fran also reported 3 issues directly to George. He will resolve these and hopefully move to a final release this week. Allowing the next developments to be started which is a move from xls to xlsx support to remove the 65K row limits for the excel presented data.
  • The star registry appear to be running the correct VM based on their feedback but they are going to download the latest image again to ensure nothing has gone wrong. Once that is done if issues persist a screen share call may be necessary to understand the issues.
  • Alphastudy no more update the site is still awaiting an SSL update.
  • Andre is still checking the reimported database against the live one to identify what is different
  • Andrew is working with Fiona to sort tickets and she hasn't flagged any new ones this week   
 INS App Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) We have just about finalised the specification and livingwith.health are currently reviewing it with a view to coming back with a costing. Once we have a final specification it will be sent to some other developers Fiona has identified for comparison costings.

Action items


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