Item | Who | Notes |
Outstanding tasks | Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) | - George will follow up with Renalware over the outstanding Trello issues the main one other than those mentioned on the ukrdc minutes is the missing treatment record for patients which George thought was related to the sending of CKD patients.
- NHS England extract is due at the end of the month and will be done by Andre assuming she has recovered sufficiently by then.
- Andre has now populated the hash numbers on live that were missing. There was no clear indication as to the cause and the database will need monitoring to ensure it is resolved if the issue reoccurs.
- Andy has put together a plan for the automation of the RaDaR extract involving not only tidying up the tracing output to remove empty columns etc but also auto populating the DOD for patients in RaDaR. Shaun has suggested splitting the data into the successful traced and unsuccessful. Andy will address each stage over the few weeks.
- Changes made as a result of Pen Testing need to be documented. Currently most of the internet changes are documented but changes on RaDaR still need documenting. Andy will do this and also take a look at issues on international radar.
- Validation. v1.1.17 has been released and George is currently merging the branches back into the main code before starting the next development which is a switch from xls to xlsc.
- Star registry after a meeting last week we found there was an issue with the VM configuration which was not occuring on the local test version. Andy started looking at this and has found a number of anomalies between the documentation left by James and what he has found on the servers and in the code base. Currently there appears to be an issue with the code checked in as if James did not commit the final changes he made. Once he has managed to build a working version he will resolve the issues and check with fiona about any updates required to any preloaded data before building a new VM to share with BCH.
- Andy has resolved all the RaDaR tickets that were being chased and is a waiting a new set for developing so will concentrate on the STAR registry and UKRDC work.
Website | Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) | The website has many issues and it has been decided we will look for new developer resource. With the deadline to have a rebranded site by Christmas time is of the essence which means we are likely to remain with the Drupal/civicrm combination but look to upgrade the design to be Drupal9 compatible as well as ensuring there is some in house knowledge for simple tasks... |
INS App | Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) | The INS app has now been sent out to two suppliers for quotes and we are currently awaiting their response. |
Github | Joel Collins (Deactivated) | we have been confirmed as non profit on github giving us a lot of free functionality. |
NHSBT | Andrew Atterton | Andy is progressing the NHSBT file. |