2021-07-05 Meeting notes

2021-07-05 Meeting notes




  • Review outstanding tasks and any priorities for the week 

Discussion items

Outstanding TasksTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Renalware will be chased again primarily to sort the schema changes but also to sort the Trello issues
  • Andrew hasn't progressed the RaDaR automatic tracing.
  • INS app a call was held with livingwith the other potential supplier who are a lot more expensive. They have all most all the necessary elements in place so would be expected to be relatively cheap however their costs are a lot higher. A further call is to be held to go through the technical aspects and see if the costs are high due to a misunderstanding about the complexity of the project.
  • Andrew has now upgraded to python3 but still has a few config files to add into the build as he ahs rebuilt the image after breaking it during the upgrade. Fiona has supplied an updated list of diagnostic codes which also include mappings for icd10 and classification which can be used to allow the diagnosis to be mapped to the correct cohort. He is also is working on the search by diagnosis option. Changes to the UI have been done and a final version will be made available to Fiona for review once the changes have been completed.
  • The NHSBT process has been completed for this quarter. The issue with sending the file was solved by splitting the file even though the file size seemed to be less than the limit.
  • The upgrade of jquery on international radar hasn't been done yet to satisfy the pentesting recommendations.
  • Validation nothing significant to report.
  • George also needs to do a coupe of data extractions one for Anna and another around 22  patients from the SPEAK project who need tracing but could be the Scottish patients we cannot trace.
  • AKI there is a meeting on Wednesday to discuss the AKI data and plan the final steps.
  • There are no pressing RaDaR tickets this week. 

Action items
