2021-07-26 Meeting notes
2021-07-26 Meeting notes
- Review outstanding Tasks
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
Outstanding Items | Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) |
NHS England | Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) | The next NHS Extract is Due the 30th July andre will do this. |
AllWales PV feed | Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) | This was suppose to be going live last weekend. Rob King has not sent through any test files or indicated when these would be sent through he did confimr that he could connect to the new allwales upload accounts pv and pvstaging on the N3 sftp server. |
EMPA- Kidney Extract | Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) | George indicated that he would need to create the SQL query to extract the required data whcih would take around a day. He will review the data elements required this week as detailed in the DSA R:\0 Medical Director\Research team\DSAs\DSAs\Current DSAs\DSA104 EMPA-KIDNEY - Will Herrington and raise any questions with the requesters. The aim is to do the extract next week. |
NHSBT | George Swinnerton | George indicated that NHSBT had to reinstall the pgp key and were having some issues with their sending of data. We are currently flagging some issues with NHSBT data for PV in that the returned file has a lot more records than PV loads. This started on the 23rd July when two files were sent in quick succession. There is usually a small difference of < 10 this time it is 6000. We will wait for the next file on the 30th before raising it as an issue. |
Action items
- Andre Ortega Alban NHS England Extract due by 30th July
, multiple selections available,