2021-08-02 Meeting notes

2021-08-02 Meeting notes




  • Review progress and plans for week.

Discussion items

Outstanding Items
  • Renalware  updates now delayed by Tim@renalware being on holiday for 2 weeks.
  • Andrew ran a Radar trace on 21 July  and will look at automating the process once he has completed Star registry work.
  • George completed the full  extract for Anna look at the paeds data.
  • Andre completed the NHSEngland extract but still has issues with her NHS Care login. Hopefully this will be sorted by the next extract. George uploaded the files on her behalf this time.
  • INS App...talked to clinbee who produce clinician oriented apps using a common backend call clinbee. Each app is a separate app on the app store but uses a common backend for data handling. Currently they haven't done any apps for patient data gathering though this is on their road map and if we had been in contact in a year they could have helped currently their lead time would be too long though they are looking at if they could provide a solution.
  • STARS registry. The patient data with errors has now been corrected an Andy is looking at importing it. He still needs to sort the menu timeout issues and test the exporter now works (once has some real data in)  whcih was the driver for the python3 upgrade.
  • International RaDar has now been updated so issues raised fromt he pentesting have now been addressed.
  • Validation - no progress this week.
  • AKI code - Andre has finsihed making the database corrections and reported to Anna who has asked a few questions. Menwhile Andre is  updating the UI to use all the new validation features.
  • RaDaR - no new radar issues to report
 George has reviewed the requirements for the EMPA-KIDNEY extract and had a few questions these are currently with Retha to respond to. He will sort the extract once he has the answer to them.
MSC ML Student data
The MSc student currently looking at ML on data for finding anomalies will need to have some anonymised extracts of the UKRDC data from Kings and Barts. The plan is to supply Kings data for building the model and then use Barts data to test its performance. This means we need to procide an extract of the data that is used in the quartley dataset for RRT patients. Whether we supply the extra patients not in this cohort in order to ensure a full model that represents the data feed is up for discussion. Retha will supply a list of the values he has been supplied from the quarterly files so we can extract the "realtime" equivalent.
The NHSWLS feed is now active and working. This appears as a new feed in the ukrdc and on PV patients data is labelled as coming from NHS Wales feed. How this change will be handled on the PKB transition needs to be discussed.

Action items