2021-08-09 Meeting notes

2021-08-09 Meeting notes




  • Review progress and outstanding tasks

Discussion items

Outstanding TasksTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Renalware away for another week
  • Automated tracing of RaDaR hasn't been progressed this week
  • EMPA-KIDNEY Extract the cohort supplied has a couple of issues 
    • Missing NHS Numbers
    • There is no Forename supplied for some patients
    • The untested code is  in  
  • INS App we have received a quote from clinbee of 40-50K with maintenance costs of 15/20% which is in the same ballpark as Citrus so it is still not finalised which provider to go for.
  • STARS Andy is continuing to import the corrected patient data from Fiona which is almost completed. There are still issues with the disgnosis menu not working which need resolving. It is still unclear where the issue lies. Is it in the api and its ability to serialise the data to send to the front end or if it is the front end unable to manage the large amount of data returned from the api. Andy will see if Joel has any insights which can help with resolving this.
  • No further progress on the validation
  • Andre Has finished the updates and corrections ANNA usually applies on the replacement AKI database and has been adding the funtionality to capture the issues in the AKI UI.
  • Andrew has a file of DODs to import in to radar and in the long term will look at creating an automatic process for this in the long term.
 AIMES Infrastructure Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) We have a new proposal from AIMES for moving our two VMWARE clusters to the cloud. Currently this is based on not moving all the VMs but just moving the required ones as is. In the longterm we would look to make most processes containerised and not be running lots of separate servers.. There is meeting later this week to go through the proposal and work out a way forward.

Action items
