Item | Who | Notes |
Outstanding Tasks | Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) | - Currently focussing on the schema changes with renalware.
- No update on tracing Radar automatically
- EMPA-KIDNEY would like us to run without forename which will limit matching. George correctly identified that this would mean we could not use the supplied data to create a membership. Since the membership in this context is a lookup for the data we hold then it is perfectly valid to find the record in the UKRDC and use those demographics (validating any that have been supplied) to create the program membership. There is however value in indicating that this is how this programembership was done. This could be done using the Type fiield for membership perhaps with a new one type matched? We could use the description field to indicate what data items were used to get a match in case in the future issues are found.
- No news on the INS app.
- STAR fiona still has to check the the latest version which she hopes to do later this week. Andrew als had an issue with an sqlalchemy query he was trying to use for diagnoses. George will look at this this week and feed back.
- AKI Anna is comparing the new AKI database with the current database and ensuring the data is more comprehnsive and not missing data. She has found some files missing from the new load primarily because the files were missing from the Q drive. This means Andre will need to copy the data from production for these files. There are a few of the missing files in the wrong folder so she will load these as well. Decimal value fields are in general more populated now upto the point when the code was fixed in 2021. Some fileds didn't show and improvement and on inspection these fields were empty because the supplied ata was text not numbers. Anna has identified some issues with missing NHS numbers which Andre will investigate.
DSP Portal | Andre Ortega Alban | Andre has finally got her DSP login sorted and will be able to use it for the next NHS England extract |
SSL Certificates | Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) | Alot of the NHS.UK certificates and a few others are due to expire in the next month so it is possible if not updated we will see certifcate errors. hopefully they should all get sorted correctly. |
Atlassian | Joel Collins (Deactivated) | A major flaw in confluence meant that a workaround needed to be applied to our confulence servers ideally we should be updating the servers but the preferred solution is just to migrate everything to the cloud. When George applied the fix he also uppend the memory to the virtual machine and increased the JAVA virtual machine memory which hopefully will resolve the recent stopping of confluence. |