2021-09-20 Meeting notes

2021-09-20 Meeting notes




  • Review outstanding items and progress.

Discussion items

Outstanding ItemsTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Renal ware hasn't been followed up waiting on Nick to confirm ukrdc schema changes before chasing.
  • Andrew has made some progress automating the Radar tracing. It now picks up the file and tidies it up making it more readable and then tries to indicate the changes that need to be made/issues found. The plan is to progress this week and then run the output file past Shaun to check its success. Long term the aim will be to make it so the changes can be bulk loaded.
  • The postgres server on Radar live has been running out of connections one possible cause is a query using the view  vbase_hnf1b which has been triggering multiple error messages and the code calling it may not have been closing the connection properly. Andrew will investigate
  • EMPA -KIDENY is waiting on Retha to check the extracted data.
  • INS app little progress though they have asked some questions and were going to discuss this week.
  • STARs is waiting on Fiona reviewing the latest version of imports and fixes. Hopefuly this is the last step.
  • Validation George is looking at some CKD oddities for Fran and trying to understand why we havenot received some data on a Kings patient that Hugh can see fine in his system for Jo. This could be because he has a new PD code that isn't being extracted or because the patient moved on to new treatment in either case it lookslike a renalware issue.
  • Andy has no new RaDaR news. He hopes to progress the adding of the consent files to the consent records on RaDaR this week.
AtlassianJoel Collins (Deactivated)

Joel will circulate the highlevel plan for migrating the Atlassian tools to the cloud. The plan is start with Jira then confluence and finally bitbucket. The aim will be to also migrate the bamboo build jobs most of which are just running tests.

SSL monitoringJoel Collins (Deactivated)Joel ha sbeen having issues with his certificates when using WSL and SSL due to the hospital using a locally signed SSL certificate to monitor the SSL traffic contents. Currently you need to provide a CA for nbt to make things work but different application ssuch as pip and node have different locations they hold these resources in meaning each has to be fixed separately. Joel has raised a ticket with NBT and is awaiting feedback.
NHSBTAndrew AttertonNHSBT has been started. He has found a patient who has withdrawn consent but only in one of the units returning data which means that the database is incossitent and the patient hasbn't been fully anonymised so he has been matched with NHSBT. Anyone with withdrawn consent should not be matched with NHSBT data.

Action items