2021-10-04 Meeting notes

2021-10-04 Meeting notes




  • Review tasks and progress.

Discussion items

Outstanding TasksTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Andy has completed the changes from recent feedback such as adding HSC/CHI numbers if present and hospital ids to the records. He needs to now twek the next stage of how it flags errors. He has run a new trace so will circulate the updated report this week and if all is OK set it running on staging as test.
  • EMPA-KIDNEY needs some code changes to include renalreg data alongside ukrdc data. George will complete this this week.
  • George has explain to Andre about how the AKI build the AKI code .
  • This week the Atlassian installations will be moved to the cloud. This iwll involve moving all users onto OKTA and then migrating the internet and N3 setups to the cloud. Bitbucket repos will move to github. The aim is to replace bamboo using github actions over the next few weeks. The on-premise versions wil be locked as readonly but still available in the short term.
  • The INS app team have been busy designing and defining the application.
  • STARs the new import file containg 70-80 more patients has been sent back for correction as it has too much missing data. Once this has been loaded and Fiona has reviewed the final build it should be ready to build a new deployment VM for BCH.
  • No new Validation work though George ha sbeen working on the new dataset helping Fran and James with examples of data sending.
  • Andre is running another extract for Anna but it is running very slow. Most of the corrections have been made to the validation code. There is still some changes Sarah requested to do with new lab data  to sort.
  • Andy has started looking at the consent form uploads to RaDaR. He hasn't found hte cause of the connection issues on RaDaR but will keep looking. There are a few other jobs to do that are not a high priority such as t euploading of the Geneva data.
Infrastriucture changesTim Whitlock (Deactivated)The plan is to migrate our VMs to the cloud. Where possible seperate servers will be changed to containers running the code sites such as radar, international radar, nurture, nephwork, magic , transplantfirst all would be suitable. The aim being to reduce the server footprint and have a number of docker hosts. Where feasible the migration will include upgrading the operating system. Some servers will just be cloned as they are onlyrequired for the short term such as patientview.

Action items
