2021-11-22 Meeting notes

2021-11-22 Meeting notes


Nov 22, 2021


  • @Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • @Retha Steenkamp

  • @George Swinnerton

  • @Joel Collins (Deactivated)

  • @Andrew Atterton

  • @Andre Ortega Alban


Review goals and targets

  • Set priorities if required

Discussion topics







Outstanding Items

@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • The automated RaDaR tracing is now set up and a scheduled task on rr-storage-live will try and pull down the tracing file at the start of each month and the store it on Q:

  • STARs is now completed and a VM is now uploaded to the sftp server for BCH to donwload and use. Tim will contact the IT people at BCH and let them know.

  • INS App no news on where this has reached. There is a plan to schedule an update meeting.

  • George has now created a release of the xlsx version of validation which is waiting on Fran to sign off before it is made available to all the data Managers. Meanwhile he has started the development for the Paeds validation and will probably release an interim version so Shaun can start testing the fixes he has done whilst completing the other tickets. Joel has helped sort the build processes and tidied up the libraries and these changes need to be included in the other validation code builds. There is still a dependency issue due to the way the build tries to ensure all dependencies are included.

  • AKI - Andre has now provided Anna with the latest extract which should include all the corrections and fixes in that are required for the new improved AKI database. She will confirm if it is now ready to be swapped out. Mean while the corrections have not been deployed in the UI. This will be done and then the load times can be investigated. If the rr-sql-test database is used then running the importer from a desktop and directly on the server should help identify if the issue is the network or the database. If it is the database then we will need to look at tunign the AKI database to improve its response. This would best be done once the new database has been switched in.

  • Andy is continuing to sort the high priority Nurture tickets.

  • Atlassian Cloud had a couple of issues found last week.

    • It seems like some pages that were on the public pages but had restricted access were not imported to the cloud. it is unclear what the cause of this was. Joel will investigate and go back to Atlassian if he can’t identify the reason.

    • The anonymous access to our public pages became disabled (probably due to adding in aimes acces to the migration documents) . Thhis has now been sorted.

  • AIMEs have not comeback with any more information since our meeting. Tim will chase. Meanwhile Joel has now containerised mirth and has a working UKRDC docker setup which appears to process files but needs further testing to confirm it is infact working as expected. Andy has done some work on the RaDaR conatinerisation and hopes to complete this once the RadaR nurture work is done. This will then mean we have a fully containerised setup of the UKRDC and associated services.

  • The aim would be to work on migrating the staging setup to the cloud first and confim it works as expected (including test.patientview and staging radar). Once this is working we should be in a poistion to migrate the live site. The dev site will ideally have it’s own dev radar as part of the final setup. There is little point in configuring a dev.patientview.

  • Once these key services are moved we can work on the separate sites and decide the best option for moving to the cloud.

SSH issues

@George Swinnerton

George flagged that the ssh issue whilst not resolved does seem to have improved so he is hoping that NBT have done something to make this happen and will improve it further.

Adult Extract

George will do the Adult extract from the renalreg database for Monday

Daily Stand Ups

@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

To try and reduce the time spent in meetings and help inprove inter team communications we will try and have a daily catchup when everyone is in for ~10 minutes the aim will be to cover tthe following primary questions:

  • What did I work on yesterday?

  • What am I working on Today?

  • Whats is blocking me?

  • What extra tasks have (unexpectedly) appeared?

This hopefully will help ensure we don’t wast time trying to solve a block when others could help solve the problem.

Long term the aim would be to move to a monthly/6 week planning meeting for what neeeds doing and then use the daily catch ups to anage day to day progress. If we don’t see any benefit then we will re-assess.

Action items

@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) to contact the BCH IT people and let them know the new STAR image is available Nov 29, 2021
