2021-12-13 Meeting notes

2021-12-13 Meeting notes


Dec 13, 2021


  • @Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • @Joel Collins (Deactivated)

  • @George Swinnerton

  • @Andrew Atterton


Review current tasks and outstanding items. Prioritise tasks for this week as required.


Discussion topics







Outstanding Tasks


  • Andy has made more progress on dockerising the radar code. He now has a 2 stage build working for the radar client . Joel reminded everyone that these can be good for security especially if you neeed to use ssh keys to pull donw code etc. as it allows the final build to not have the keys/security risk as part of the build.

  • AIMES have started the firewall audit and are due to have a meeting tomorrow with Joel and Tim. The plan remains a lift and shift followed by a move to docker containers. Given the current time it is likely htat nothing will happen before Christmas.

  • INS App no update

  • Validation changes are mostly finished for paeds and the extras Fran wanted. George also hopes to add the modification to CKD patient validation to allow loading without test results confimring their CKD state. This should be done by the Validation meeting on Wednesday.

  • The AKI work is nearly complete Anna has an extract from the new database and all the issues seem to be fixed. In January there will be a meeting to plan the next steps of swapping the database and moving to the new improved data version.

  • Andy is just finishing of a few updates for Radar he hopes to push to live this week.


@Andrew Atterton

NHSBT haven’t come back with their file. Andy has emailed them to let them know he will be off so if they don’t respond soon it won’t be done before Christmas and is awaiting a response.

Action items
