PKB Coordinator and Professional Roles

PKB Coordinator and Professional Roles

PKB has the concept of a coordinator who can edit the demographics, initate new password resets and add emails to users (at least these are the ones we have used). A coordinator cannot look at a patient record only how they are set up and the high level demographics.

We have three people registered as UKKA Coordinators (Joel, Georg and Tim) and two people registered as Professionals (Fiona and Tim). The professional role allows you to go into a patient record and see the data on the record (assuming it is shared with you which all the UKKA patients should be by default).

It is not possible to be registered as both coordinator and professional without having an alias email in one of the registrations. PKB can assign an alias to allow this.

Each Unit on PKB will in time have a local coordinator and professionals assigned however initially all the sites have started with a single UKKA coordinator currently Tim. When PKB are aware of who the coordinator needs to be they will request that coordinator is added to the unit then in theory they can ad,inster and sort issues for their patients.

There have been a few issues that have required us to helpout in admin for patients.

  • Royal Cornwall currently cannot add emails for some patients due to the first creation of the account being triggered by UKKA or another Main Unit. This means someone from UKKA or the Main Unit in question (Plymouth most often for them) has to add the email for patients to sign up. PKB have supposedly fixed the cause of the issue so it shouldn’t happen however we are still seeing some sites with this issue. Swansea are the other site who have had this issue.

  • A password reset has been requested for various patients by PKB Support it is unclear why the units haven’t been able to do this but it could be no unit coordinator has been set up yet.

  • One paediatric parent managed to end up in the UKKA cohort because he signed up using his sons signup link. PKB were able to help sort that and get his son properly signed up and dad configured as carer on his record however they couldn’t remove him from our UKKA cohort. To do this you have to login as a professional and discharge him using the button under Summary on the patient record. Since this can only be done from a professional login there is a need to be registered as both in the UKKA potentially.

Once all the sites have their own coordinator we can remove our selves as I understand it.