2022-02-14 Meeting notes

2022-02-14 Meeting notes


Feb 14, 2022


  • @Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • @Retha Steenkamp

  • @Joel Collins (Deactivated)

  • @George Swinnerton

  • @Andre Ortega Alban



 Discussion topics







Outstanding Items

@Tim Whitlock

  • George hasn’t been able to sort the backup due to needing to find a copy of the correct software to install on his machine. He has now found this with Visual studio 2019 and downloading the appropriate additional components. Once this is working he will try adjusting the backup location to free up space for the databases.

  • Infrastruture migration continues. AIMEs have been adding updates to tickets but haven’t fed anything further back. Tomorrow Joel and Tim will meet with Antony Shimmin to discuss the migration and the plan to extract our network from NBT.

  • INS App no further news. SHould be a demo at the end of the month.

  • Andre reported that Anna had fed back about more missing NHS numbers which seems to be due to the strict rules she uses to assign the nhs numbers. Anna is identifying ones which shold also have matched but perhaps don’t have such complete data. Andre will meet with Anna on Wednesday to discuss what rules to use to try and improve the matching.

  • Andy has been working on the biomarker data and this is nearly done. A new release for Radar should be out this week.

PGP keys in a repo

@George Swinnerton

George has been asked by Renalware if we could put the pgp keys in a repo. It was decided they should be in a separate repo.

George also pointed out that some of the keys are very old and thus not as secure and perhaps we should be creating some new ones using longer keys. This would affect all sites sending data however if we could ensure they use our repo to find the keys then we could push out updates and they would use them by default so using a repo may provide a path for us to update the keys on the fly.

 Action items


  1. Add pgp keys to a repo