2022-02-21 Meeting notes

2022-02-21 Meeting notes


Feb 21, 2022


  • @Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • @Retha Steenkamp

  • @George Swinnerton

  • @Andrew Atterton

  • @Andre Ortega Alban

  • @Joel Collins (Deactivated)


Review current tasks


 Discussion topics







Outstanding tasks

@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • George has completed the changes to the sqlbackup script and it is now backing up to the separate share location meaning the fress disk space for the databases is increased.

  • There is the next fortnightly catchup about the migration on Tuesday. There has been a steady stream of tickets for creating the cloud environment, setting up the firewall rules and subnets to allow the move of the VMs to the cloud.

  • Joel & Tim had a meeting with Antony from AIMES on Tuesday he conifrmed that the migration work was progressing on track. We also started discussions about the move our our network from NBT to become independent and would would be required. Antony is very keen on the use of virtual desktops but it isn’t clear if these will provide all the funtionality required by some of our power users. The one service we will need to look at alternatives for is batch tracing.

  • Joel will look through the NHSDigital information about PDS api and another services and see if we have a chance of being allowed to use it.

  • George believes there are still some parts of the latest validation that need testing. George will check with Fran and Shaun and hope to get it all sorted by Wednesday.

  • AKI - Andre is currently updating her local database with the ltest files that have been loaded. She wil then run the NHS numbers update before aiming to swap the database. Alongside this she hopes to rationalise some things such as the DOB column which is currently a datetime field but only needs to be a date.

  • Andy has fixed the issues with STAR and put the revised version up on the local site so Fiona can review. (fixed the stats page and removed some of the free text fields aroun diagnosis)

  • Fiona also flagged that internationalradar needs updating to include some of the latest fixes in the main radar. Andy and Fiona will catch up in the office to identify what is required.

  • Andy has sas script to sort for Garry for the leicester data load.

Welsh HES

@George Swinnerton

George has done the extract for Welsh HES and passed detials to Anna for sanity checking. Retha asked for this not to be sent through yet until she has confirmed the necessary paper work is in place and upto date.

Thinkkidneys Mobile Apps

@George Swinnerton

George asked about the status of these apps which were a mobile version of the AKI sections of the thinkkidneys website when they were created. They haven’t been updated since release and the current usage is unknown. They would ned to be updated to conform to the new development rules from Apple and api code changes from apple and google if they were to be developed further.

 Action items

@Joel Collins (Deactivated) to look into options for our own trace access
Penetration testing results and actions
