2022-03-28 Meeting notes
2022-03-28 Meeting notes
@Retha Steenkamp
@George Swinnerton
@Joel Collins
@Andrew Atterton
@Andre Ortega Alban
Outstanding Tasks
Ongoing topics
NBT Migration: Plan/Design
Servers to be shut down
Joel to draft up startup procedure
NBT Migration: Tracing Access
We’ve now been given guidance from NHS Digital
Forward to Tom
RADAR Sprint
No updates
Discussion topics
NHSBT Extract
@Andrew Atterton it’s progressing
@Andrew Atterton pick NHSBT code back up and send more PRs for review
More issues because of NBT’s Python policy
Andy to try connecting to laptops remotely using Tims old admin account
Use escalated state when a ticket is with NBT
Not set up on some issue types
@Joel Collins get Escalated state working on all issue types Apr 4, 2022