2022-04-04 Meeting notes
2022-04-04 Meeting notes
@Retha Steenkamp
@George Swinnerton
@Joel Collins (Deactivated)
@Andrew Atterton
@Andre Ortega Alban
Outstanding Tasks
Ongoing topics
NBT Migration: Plan/Design
Stage 1 done
Stage 2 planning should start ASAP (See Server Cleanup below)
NBT Migration: Tracing Access
No updates
RADAR Sprint
No updates
Discussion topics
IT Helpdesk
Flows set up
May need to enter WIP state before Escelated will show up
No updates
RADAR tracing failed
Andy to investigate
Got a month to sort out
IT Equipment Orders
All done, @Andrew Atterton took care of this
Steph authorized payments
Server cleanup
Phase 1.5 - Shutting down and archiving old hosts
Go through and mark any hosts that can be shut down as-is
@Joel Collins (Deactivated) send an email around about shutting down old hosts Apr 11, 2022
Phase 2 - New hosts and structure
@Joel Collins (Deactivated) send an email around with draft plan for new infrastructure Apr 11, 2022
, multiple selections available,