2022-04-25 Meeting notes

2022-04-25 Meeting notes


  • @Retha Steenkamp

  • @Joel Collins (Deactivated)

  • @Andrew Atterton

  • @Andre Ortega Alban

  • @James Medcalf

Outstanding Tasks

Ongoing topics

NBT Migration: Plan/Design


AIMES Server migration


NBT Migration: Tracing Access

  • Any chance we can get access to JUST date of death by NHS number, for example

  • Does the IG liability lie with the unit if they send us bad NHS numbers?

    • Could we write this into terms, so tracing is no longer our responsibility?

  • Date of death really important to some services, e.g. RADAR

@Joel Collins (Deactivated) Chase up tracing stuff with Tom May 2, 2022

RADAR Sprint

  • Woking on it this week

 Discussion topics


  • Might want to consider shifting away from nhs.uk domains for our web services

  • We need to try and shift away from NHS.net