2022-05-16 Meeting notes
2022-05-16 Meeting notes
@Retha Steenkamp
@Joel Collins (Deactivated)
@Andrew Atterton
@Andre Ortega Alban
@Philip Main
Outstanding Tasks
Ongoing topics
NBT Migration: Plan/Design
AIMES Server migration
NBT Migration: Tracing Access
RADAR Sprint
Discussion topics
Validation code
Test locally running copy downloaded from GitHub
Explore RDS as a fallback
AIMES encryption
@Joel Collins (Deactivated) Email Antony to ask about encryption at rest at the hypervisor level
NBT migration
Mention migration, logistics (days off etc) at next team leads meeting
Questions over timing
August might be good but too soon
Data team may close October
November might be ok? But probably not
December might be ok
@Joel Collins (Deactivated) to start contacting laptop suppliers. CC @Andrew Atterton
JTRACE replacement
@Joel Collins (Deactivated) to write up spec for JTRACE replacement and circulate
We need to push staff to actually use Confluence
Internal documentation system is not good currently
We need to start organising the Confluence spaces
, multiple selections available,