2022-05-30 Meeting notes
@Retha Steenkamp
@Joel Collins (Deactivated)
@George Swinnerton
@Philip Main
Outstanding Tasks
Magic & TXFirst
Check next week
Citrus Apple Dev account
RenalReg DB backup
Done and done
AIMES Encryption
Ongoing topics
JTRACE replacement
In progress
NBT Migration: Plan/Design
Contract with AIMES signed. Planning to fully commence next week
AIMES Server migration
Sent the list of upgraded servers to create
Planning the order of migration
NBT Migration: Tracing Access
Retha to apply to NHS Digital for linkage for quarterly tracing via DARS after UKKW
Takes about a year for an application, for 3 years access
Can take up to 4 months to get results back
We’ll need to do an audit application first, once approved then we can apply for a research application
We can USE this data, but we can’t add it in our database.
We can confirm the data with a unit and THEN add it
OR we can ask units to run tracing themselves and send us the results quarterly
We wouldn’t even need to use the renal system, we could just send each unit a tracing file to return to us
RADAR Sprint
No update
Discussion topics
De-dupe code
Doesn’t do RDA files
SHOULDN’T need to. If extract is working properly it shouldn’t need to.
Ongoing issues on Jira
RADAR Rewrite planning
The rewrite will include the data model
Need to start planning as a team