2022-07-18 Meeting notes
- 1 Contents
- 2 Participants
- 3 Outstanding Tasks
- 3.1 Leicester submission
- 3.2 Dataset v5
- 4 Discussion topics
- 4.1 Leave updates
- 4.2 Mauritius
- 4.3 Andy
- 4.4 Phil
- 4.5 Michael
- 4.6 Identifiable data
@Joel Collins (Deactivated)
@Andrew Atterton
@James Medcalf
@Michael Ruston
@Philip Main
@Retha Steenkamp
Outstanding Tasks
Leicester submission
George on leave, no update
We need to be handling opt-out patients
Dataset v5
Discussion topics
Leave updates
All staff should send an update on their tasks before going on leave on a Monday
Test deployments imminent
Patch Wednesday
Michael and Andy to do this first one together, Thursday evening
Laptops delivered (46)
Michaels to be sent out Wednesday
We should implement an asset management system
Set up a planning call to go over frameworks etc
Waiting for NHSBT to get back to us
SAS database add-in license
Quote was reasonable, Retha confirmed that they can get it
Cloud pricing is expensive compared to local licensed
We should recalculate if it’s worth while now the stats team will need these £300 per year per licenses on top
Andy testing to see if it’s worth it
Finishing off assigned tickets
In particular the ongoing ones with moving over reference tables to UKRDC
Try and go through Nuxt/Composition API tutorials
Check to see if you can use Plotly client-side without a plotting server
Laptop test image
Flat 11 with Z-book drivers
Once confident drivers work, we can add in applications
Identifiable data
Retha: NHS number and DoB are a minimum. Anything else we’ll try to collect while we can, but might be we can’t for long
James: In agreement
We need to keep validating matches/grouping but no further than NHS number and DoB
James and Retha would be very surprised if we allow files without NHS number (just local hospital number)