2022-08-15 Meeting notes
@Joel Collins (Deactivated)
@Andre Ortega Alban
@Andrew Atterton
@George Swinnerton
@James Medcalf
@Michael Ruston
@Philip Main
@Retha Steenkamp
Priorities last week
Continue with repository manager change testing
Change in repo manager and PV extract code match what we get in the database
Output in Mirth is missing an element - Something to do with the timestamps?
Changes to TxFirst
In progress
Other things last week
Priorities this week
Finish changes to TxFirst
Fix timestamp issue with repo manager test deployment
Priorities last week
Finish INS membership API
Progressing well
New matching script finished
Other things last week
Priorities this week
Finish INS membership API
Progress RADAR 3 design
Priorities last week
Complete UKRDC feed documentation first draft
Still to finish
Validation updates
Other things last week
Priorities this week
Be on leave and don’t attend meetings
Priorities last week
Start moving UKRDC services to new U-UKRDC servers
Rules requested and in place
Get hold of, and document, all current firewall rules between servers
Still in progress
Other things last week
AIMES call
Priorities this week
Finish the UKRDC API changes to allow real time stats
Go through API design with Phil
Priorities last week
Keep going through Sensu monitors
Pretty much done
Still a couple that measure error files that eventually will go to Shaun+Systems
Pressure AIMES for O365 tenant
Pressure applied - Still no tenant yet
Other things last week
VM Live network issues
Cold-reboot resolved the issue
Still not 100% sure of the cause - Seems to be a hardware network issue
Data share migration now finished
Priorities this week
Set up alert system for critical things (VM Live network issues e.g.)
[Waiting on AIMES call today 4pm]
Priorities last week
Complete assigned Jira tickets
All done except one open-ended ticket
Speeding up the extract still open
Other things last week
Priorities this week
Leicester extract
Check through CyberREN test files