2023-11-06 Meeting notes
@Joel Collins (Deactivated)
@Andre Ortega Alban
@Andrew Atterton
@George Swinnerton
@Marta Badji
@Philip Main
@Retha Steenkamp
Discussion Points
Priorities (and things what we did)
Reference ranges for PKB
Waiting for feedback from PKB
Then sending screenshots around
PKB Scotland send
Waiting for confirmation to send last 2 units
Data extracts for RECOVERY study
Plan AKI extract
Likely next week
File received
INS testing
Finishing up
PHOSPHATE Extract migration, SIMPLIFIED feed migration
Investigate missing data
Validation Testing
NHSBT - Deletion of Irish Patients
PKB usage data transfer
Waiting for response to George RE encryption
George to chase up
Go through pentest reports
Scope out work needed to secure any high risk points, send to SMT
Finish testing ACT/Data-Collection
On hold until SQL server is resolved
Look into loosening postcode and GP code restrictions in UKRDC incoming feeds
Schema conversion data storage
Little SQLite database?
Use SQL models being used in CUPID?
Each new file replaces the previous entry
Only need to store most recent entry for each patient
Website memberships situation
Start contacting people for data fixes - with Data Team.
2 still waiting
Looking at issues with PKB Send (multiple NIs)
Contact PKB around errors with existing feeds
Got a kind-of-final response
They have identified the problem but there is no fix
They will update us
Start looking into common errors (as opposed to work items)
Sent around info
Aberdeen datetime issue - Discuss with Gary
Look through CUPID specs, particularly work items
Comments added
Data correction/work item documentation
Started documenting
Pentest reports
Waiting on us for responses
SQL Server
This week
NHS SES DCB1596 stuff
Continue through requirements list
SSL Certs
Abandoning Digicert
ukrdc.nhs.uk ordered and received
Start order of *.ukkidney.org pro cert org verification
CUPID development
Continuing insert logic
Document and share plan
Decide how to handle sites switching renal systems
Kings EPIC feed
Quarterly Extracts