✅ Outstanding Tasks
Description | Due date | Assignee | Task appears on |
| 2023-02-13 Meeting notes |
Dell support
Waiting for supplier
- Andrew Atterton to ask for HP option, including aftersales support etc
AIMES encryption
Lack of encryption poses issues around security regarding physical access
Check NHS Digital requirements, check with AIMES
HES data sharing agreement may also have encryption at rest requirements
- Joel CollinsMichael Ruston chase up encryption with AIMES
We’ve been relaxed about old equipment at AIMES assuming it’s encrypted
This may not be the case, so we need to arrange collecting it
v5 feed
Magic and TXFirst
Dockerizing - Low priority
Requested changes to Magic done, more to do to TXFirst
\uD83D\uDDE3Â Discussion topics
Archivable repos
Can we archive any of the following:
No, needs to be fixed or a replacement integration found
- Joel Collins look into Cezanne calendar to Outlook integration options
Old domains
Do we need:
[Basically any variations on the old brand?]
Basically no