This assumes that the job is being configured from scratch. It will usually be possible to "clone" an existing, similar job to save time. How to do that will be documented elsewhere.
Step 1
Log in to Bamboo and Click the "Create Plan" button.
You will be presented with an initial screen which should be filled out in a similar way to the following:
"Bitbucket" is the name for and you can then select from any of the repositories that you have access to.
Step 2
Ignore this screen for now and click "Create". Make sure that the plan is not enabled otherwise it will try to run and fail straight away.
Step 3 - Repositories
Go to the Repositories Screen and link in the "housekeeping" repository. This contains the build scripts that your job will use. Your project repository should be the default.
Be careful if making changes to the housekeeping scripts as they will be automatically checked out and run by all the other jobs.
Step 4 - Triggers
This menu can be used to configure additional ways in which your job can be triggered - a common one would be linking the projects that your project depends on so it is rebuilt after they are updated.
This can be left as-is for a simple job.
Step 5 - Branches
This menu controls whether your job also applies to any branches of the default repository.
Typically this would be set to "When new branch in repository is created" so that when you are developing a change it is automatically tested. Bitbucket will automatically tidy up files that relate to branches that have become inactive.
Step 6 - Dependencies / Permissions / Notifications
Leave all these as they are.
Step 7 - Variables
??? - to be returned to.
Step 8 - Miscellaneous / Audit Log
Leave these as they are.
Step 9 - Job(s)
Select the Default Job from the left hand side of the page. All our build plans (so far) only use a single job.