George Swinnerton has investigated the delete code issue on live when removing duplicate RaDaR memberships. It appears there was an error in defining the relationships between tables in the jtrace when using sqlalchemy which assumed a database relationship(foreignkey) rather than an inferred relationship (backref) so it tries to delete files it shouldn't. George Swinnertonis rewriting this to correctly handle the cascades etc. It would only occur under certain circumstances involving a work item. The code also doesn't report correctly what it is doing but prints what is thinks it will do. Sqlachemy has a session object which records this information correctly and will be used to update the logging to correctly reflect reality.
Once the code is fixed the orphaned PV memberships will be removed as well.
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which should be finished later today he will then move on to one of the other tickets highlighted in the previous validation meeting. In the meeting on Wednesday will see if we should be making a release of the current completed tickets (once signed off) or continue resolving ones in the sprint.
Andrew Atterton is still working on
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and just needs to convert the text based column to icons as originally discussed. This is to reduce the column space occupied by the field. Currently the ticket shows no work log or status change from ToDo and needs updating.
NHSBT file is now ready for return.
There are still a few tasks associated with the year end that need completing. PHE has been done. A HES matching file has bee created. The issue discovered with the HES data being matched to two different people seems to be a HES issue. It is suggested that 5% of HES data falls into this category. Kings Medication is still to do.
Kings hasn't yet setup the sftp for a switch over to live and switching off of the PV feed. George Swinnerton has reminded Hugh that we need to ensure that the initial feed includes all patients who have died in the period as their feeds are no longer sent through to staging but will be required to back fill the records on live.
Barts have now mapped their test codes and sent through some test files which seem OK. They currently have no PV feed until they start sending the RDA feed. George Swinnertonwill ensure they have the sftp details to setup a staging feed for us to confirm if there are any mapping issues etc on staging before switching to a live feed.
Relocation postcode is now sorted but still unclear when we can expect the link in place. NBT have confirmed that the wifi access points will provide both a guest and NBT access. They require to do a wifi survey.
Salford have apparently changed their diabetes extract and sent through a sample for testing.
Action items
Andrew Attertonupdated worklog, status and comment fields etc for
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