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  • Review Outstanding Tasks
  • Review Sprint 2018 JIRA tickets
  • Discuss the golive process and dates.
  • Any other System Issues

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks
  • George Swinnerton hasn't run a script to resend to dela with the missing results issue as he thinks the number of queries is now to low to justify it.
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) hasn't written the additional documentation on pulls and branching as discussed at meeting on  
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) hopes to have the QBL count ready to build later to day or tomorrow  . Fran is waiting on this code release for a file she is currently processing.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) has cleared all the outstanding Rituximab changes except some minor text changes that should take about 15mins. So currently the system has been updated to match all known changes.
  • George Swinnerton the EPO files for Anna.
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) has run the PV USage Extract and is going incorporate a modification to help reduce the chances of sending the data to the wrong unit. Currently the data in files using just the unit code this will be modified to include the actual hospital name as well so hopefully prevent a further IG breach.
  • George Swinnerton has run the NHS England extract for this month.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) continues to work through the RaDaR tickets.Currently about 35 of higher importance however there are a lot of tickets that are old and it would be good to review these and work out if they are all still required and prioritse them better.

 At the


staff meeting some mention was made about the RaDaR consent forms and Rapolas was unclear if this has implications over the multiple consent form reporting he is currently having to deal with. Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) will ask Retha Steenkamp for some clarification about what was said/meant.


NHSBT have an issue their end sending the Transplant data to PV so currently transplant status is not being updated. George Swinnerton to chase.


The data sharing agreement has now been signed for simplified so we now need to start sending the extra data. The agreement refers to a spreadsheet which neither George Swinnerton or Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) has a copy of. Once we have this the feed will need to be sorted.

HolidaysAs we are now halfway through the year all staff are encouraged to plan their leave for the next 6 months or so (up to and including Christmas please) in order that we can better manage the work.

Action items