CSV Upload - Phase 1
Patient Knows Best says:-
- A one off upload of existing historical data to PKB to ensure that PKB records are equivalent to the current RPV records. This should be done prior to the patient invite or in parallel to the invite so that the records are present when the patient registers on PKB.
- An ongoing feed of new / updated data to the PKB records.
PV/RDA Feed to PKB - Phase 1
Two options/methods for this task:
Copy incoming RDA file or converted PV file RDA to a new channel and transform it to HL7 then send to PKB- Customise the PV-extract to produce an HL7 file and send to PKB
The The former will require mapping of the result names for incoming RDA files because the UKRDC feeds use the Audit dataset naming by default and only PV naming if the value is not part of the audit dataset.
The latter would "just" change the output format of the pv-extract code to create and HL7 file. This process would replicate the current PV-Outbound channel but use a different PV-Extract and also connect to the PKB api instead of the current PV one.
pv-extract-hl7 to be developed to work in the same way as the current pv-extract that produces a pv-xml file for the current Patientview server.
PKB to UKRDC - Phase 1 late/Phase 2
This will involve downloading the record data for PV and RaDaR patients whose data is going directly to PKB. It is likely there will need to be a mapping between the way results are held/presented on PKB and the conventions required by the UKRDC. There is also a question of scope of the data in that there may well be more data from different sources than just the required renal data.
If access is denied to the data by PKB it would mean the consent box had been un-ticked and we would need to flag the patient as no longer a PV member. As it stands at the moment we would need to include all RaDaR members without a specific PV membership. Not sure if we can distinguish RaDaR only membership using consents?
Create PV Membership - Phase 1 - late
On a regularly regular basis we will need to request a list of members of "PV" from PKB it seems this would amount to all people in the Renal Association space. If we don't have a PV membership for them we would need to add a membership possibly by requesting the required basic demographics. Full details are unclear at the moment. A question mark remains over distinguishing RaDaR only memberships and those with PV membership. This process would effectively create a PV membership if the record is present.
NHSBT Transplant Status - Phase 1
Mirth would need to create the list of NHS numbers currently produced by PV and send this to NHSBT via the sftp server. It would then need a channel to pull down the response file, process it and create updated messages for PKB on the transplant status for the patients. It would make sense to store this info in the ukrdc and have a separate process that queries for updated entries and only send that information to PKB.