Fiona meeting awaits the resolution of the merging which should be done shortly...
George Swinnerton has now finished the first draft of the extract requirements spec. Which need reviewing by all the team to see if there is sufficient information to design the software. We also need to think about how the process should be designed to ensure it can be easily developed/extended and does not suffer the problems of the current validation code. The exercise has highlighted a number of areas where the schema doe snot have a way to allow the sending of the required data. In particular there are a number of paediatric fields such as the concept of eliminated diagnosis. If using a snomed code then there are options for this but not if using the UKRR coding. A decision needs to made about the use of the coding schema and wehere it should be used. Other examples are number of kidneys where aptients have had mulltiple transplants, line infrection location, biopsys and identifying the kidney etc. George Swinnerton will document all the problem areas after clarifying with Shaun.
rapolas (Unlicensed) has sorted out the gender display in RaDaR so it now shows the RaDaR gender field.
George Swinnerton has identified that the pyxb library is encoding to base64 during its build process of the xml output which is causing the issue with double base64 encoding discussed last week. So pyxb expects a none base64 input to the base64 field which is not happening with the pv_to_rda code. The changes to code still need to be done.
The INS and CKD extracts have been modified to now pull none blank gender fields pulling by default from the patienttable latest or if this is blank the patientdemographics table. This now gives 100% gender reporting in the graphs.
The DQ reports have bee reviewed by Fran and Retha and it has been decided that some issues should be fixed in the next week or so before the data is finalised. The current reports are those that have been run historically and don't necessarily check everything required any more. Fran is likely to want some form of missing data report to be developed. The DQ reports were run over the last two years files since they weren't run on last years files.