🥨 Preamble
This is a draft of a new notes template
Focus on distinction between time sensitive, critical, low priotiy, and ongoing tasks
This is a first draft. If you find aspects that don’t work or suit you, let me know
✅ Outstanding Tasks
Description | Due date | Assignee | Task appears on |
| 2023-02-13 Meeting notes |
🔁 Ongoing topics
NBT Migration: Plan/Design
Focus on other things for the next couple of months
Start a proper planning process
Speak to each team
Speak to Ron and James
NBT Migration: Tracing Access
Waiting for Tom to get chance to look at ammendment
RADAR Sprint
\uD83D\uDDE3 Discussion topics
UKKidney Website
UKKidney.org website issues have been partially resolved
Joel Collins (Deactivated) Need to sort out card payments
Caitlin said she’s not too worried about Analytics
Andrew Atterton to double check
- Joel Collins (Deactivated) look into fixing Stripe card payment issues
Pentest results
- Joel Collins (Deactivated) arrange a meeting for Systems to go through and assign pentest responses
Systems need to implement an API to verify RADAR patients and check if they’re an INS patient
Similar thing already exists for PV?
Reason: We want to minimize number of members of public that register without being an INS patient
Could we restrict app availability, then just check/manually remove any people who slip through the gap?
Could they sign a disclaimer/consent form before registration
Needs to be someone in CKD database or contented RADAR patients
This needs to happen soon
Check INS cohort in UKRDC Memberships
Pass in NHS number, get back true or false
Check an API key to reduce random public requests
Retha Steenkamp to check with Wendy that this is an ok plan
Don’t work on it this week, wait for response from Wendy
- Retha Steenkamp contact Wendy and check the project scope for our end
Validation Release
Held up due to new NBT signed-code policy
AKI Code
AKI code update and re-import progress
Should finish this week
Andre Ortega Alban currently doing migration from local to rr-sql server
This Thursday to do switch
Coordinating with George
- Andre Ortega Alban migrate from local database to rr-sql server, coordinate with George Swinnerton
IT Helpdesk: Knowledgebase
Andy created FAQ page
Couldn’t figure out how to make it appear as one of the pre-programmed answers
Go through with Joel Collins (Deactivated) on screen share
Running through with Stats tomorrow and Data Managers on Thursday
- Andrew Atterton and Joel Collins (Deactivated) to go through and set up helpdesk knowledgebase
NHSBT Extract
Andrew Atterton been working on NHSBT extract
Change needed on one line to break a huge dependency change
Andy to tag George to get feedback on cutting that line
Would let Andy upgrade to 3.8
- Andrew Atterton to make the code change and send PR to George Swinnerton
Transition: Cleanup
- Joel Collins (Deactivated) arrange call to go through cleanup plan with Systems
Transition: Meeting Structure
New meeting arrangements?
- Daily meetings - change to purely operational, rather than reporting
- Keep at 9.30, change or cancel as needed
- Keep weekly Systems call as planning, but remove stuff that doesn’t need to be discussed every week, keeping ongoing/long term tasks open