Item | Who | Notes |
Outstanding tasks |
| |
NHSBT | The NHSBT matching is ongoing. It has been delayed with Shaun Mannings (Deactivated) absence. foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) to progress. | |
Healthshare | George Swinnerton will clear the orphaned messages in healthshare that were created as a result of the disk space issue over the weekend. | |
International Radar | Fiona Braddon (UKRR) (Unlicensed) has raised some new tickets for international radar. rapolas (Unlicensed) is awaiting further clarification. |
Action items
- foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) has produced for discussion next week. All to review the documentation
- foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) to progress the outstanding validation tickets
- George Swinnerton to finalise the nurture dashboard code
- foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) to progress NHSBT
- George Swinnerton to clean up healthshare
- rapolas (Unlicensed) to clarify international radar queries
- Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) to progress the demo server