No new updates to the Extract Specification until the fields that Rapolas has identified as not having a database field to extract from are resolved. George Swinnerton will send the list to James Medcalf for his input.and advice.
Simplified have still not responded about the extract George provided.
The Extract for Lizzie at leads has been done.
The mismerged patient has been removed from RaDaR
George Swinnerton has sent the 3C extract to Richard Haynes who has found it has a lack of data in some of the required fields due to those items only recently being added. George Swinnerton has suggested more data may available for some patients on Patientview. He has asked Katharine if this data can be used or if another DSA is required etc.
The thinkidneys issue has been resolved and was caused by re-directions in WP between and
The RAG report has been updated except for an outstanding query with Retha concerning one of the ranges which is not listed in the information she supplied. Rapolas is awaiting confirmation it is as he expects..
Renalware have not been in touch. George Swinnerton has heard Tim is on holiday and will be able to progress things in a week or so.
Liverpool feeds The only issues George Swinnerton has been asked to investigate have been patients with the pid issue so will be resolved once live is migrated.
Relocation NBT have provided quotes for two types of connection to the new office:
A straight Ethernet Extension link
An IPVPN which is the more modern link type that NBT have started using.
Validation George Swinnerton has released a new version with all the fixes rolled up in it that were in review (v1.1.8) This included a new fix for a crashing Leicester file where there was a missing AKI block start date.
N3 Penetration testing has not been completed. They apparently decided to stop but didn't tell us when we flagged the potential risk in the indicators site of clicking the wrong button and sending emails to all units. It has been decided we will put up a demo version to allow them to test the indicators site without risk of issues. rapolas (Unlicensed) wil put this up on the UKRR Demo server
Sec test will carry out the internet test from the 8th March. Inorder to do this they will need some test logins on the servers requiring manual testing. rapolas (Unlicensed) will create the International Radar ones and transplant first ones. George Swinnerton will create ones for Patientview live and test. Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) will get ones sorted for
Action items
George Swinnerton to send list of fields that have no obvious extract filed to James for His comments and advice
All to sort test accounts for the penetration testing on the internet servers