Project Types

Project Types

Our internally developed projects fall under the following categories:

1) Libraries

These are modules which contain classes and functions that are used by one or more other projects but which aren't used themselves.

For example: rr_data

2) Console Scripts (Desktop)

These are packages containing one or more scripts which are run by the Systems team from a checked-out Git repository.

For example: sql_runner

3) Console Scripts (Server)

These are packages containing one or more scripts that have been installed on a server to do tasks such as uploading/downloading files via SFTP. The package may be installed on more than one server but with different configuration files.

For example: py-decrypt

4) Windows Applications

These are packages which are designed to create a Windows executable. The executable may be run from a network share, via RDS ( Remote Desktop Services) or uploaded to our website for use by 3rd-parties.

For example: rr_site_validation

5) Web Applications

These are packages are web applications that are intended to be deployed to a server. It is likely that the requirements for these will extend beyond a Python environment to the configuration of an associated database.

For example:


RADAR is in its own category as it has been published as "open source" and so the build system needs to be implementable by someone outside of the organisation.

See radar-client and radar

7) InterSystems

This is also in its own category as it involves development in its own language with specific development tools.

See ukrdc




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