Docker & Bamboo

Docker & Bamboo

GS 15/05/2019 - This is not actively being used at present.

The ukrdc-webapi has a build process which builds a Docker container on integration and runs a container on app.ukrdc.nhs.uk.

  1. ukrdc-webapi has a file called Dockerfile: this is used to build the docker container.
  2. Bamboo has been a sort of help - however, I had to hand-craft a script rather than use the standard plugins which seem welded to a narrow functional path. The build server and run-server are different machines, so run the pull/push remotely did not work for me. I wrote a script to do this.
  3. There are docker registries on both machines; necessary because we do not host our docker image in the usual docker place.
  4. Docker is a space gobbler. I've written a rudimentary script which runs on Sunday on both app.ukdrc.nhs.uk and integration. We should move to more sophisticated methods ASAP.