Counts Release Notes

Counts Release Notes

This document details the steps to take to release the code for RR-994.

  1. People to stop working on Validation.
  2. Clone validation from Bitbucket into a folder - install the usual venv/
  3. All scripts mentioned to be found here.
  4. Remove the Q93 data from the RR_HIST_COUNTS tables on LIVE.
  5. Using "MS SQL Server Manager" copy the data from LIVE RR_HIST_COUNTS into a CSV file, RR_944_migration/rr_hist_counts.csv - this will be used by RR_944_migration/import_hist_counts.py.
  6. Run the command:


    to update the LIVE database.

  7. The following script updates TEST - make sure it's switched to LIVE before running

    python RR_944_migration/import_rr_hist_counts.py

    This will read the CSV file from 3 and populate the table rr_hist_counts with the correctly configured data.

    It takes a while to run - 4-5 minutes but will get there.

  8. Release the code.
  9. Run a test file through the system.
  10. Give the all-clear.