UKRDC Cohort Selection

UKRDC Dataset

UKRDC Cohort Selection

Patients should be included in the UKRDC Feed if the unit believes them to under their care and they meet one or more of the following criteria.

  • The patient has received RRT for the purposes of treating an acute renal condition.

  • The patient has received RRT for the purposes of treating a chronic renal condition.

  • The patient has been the recipient of a kidney transplant

  • The patient has an eGFR of below 30 (CKD2 or "worse"). This criteria would also capture patients on Conservative Management.

  • The patient has opted in to PatientView, PKB, RADAR or any other project that makes use of the UKRDC.

There should not be any age filter - i.e. "Adult" Renal Units should still include any patients under 18 that they treat.

If amendments/additions are made to the record of a patient who is deceased then these should still be sent to the UKRDC.