MyRenalCare and the UKRDC - 06/09/2024
Initial Testing Requirements
I am assuming this will happen on Staging but there is an issue that the pkb_services are set in anonymous mode whereas MyRenalCare are expecting data to be sent under a specific NHS Number. I have e-mailed to see if this is a problem.
Their NHS Number [which appears to be a member of staff who has a renal condition] will be put in KeyPass.
They want him to be sent what would have been sent to PKB.
Staging Changes
The NHS Number needs to be assigned a MyRenalCare ProgramMembership
A new channel - “MyRenalCare Identify Changes” needs to be added as a copy of the PKB one.
The View needs to be changed to one which is a copy of the PKB one.
The channel needs to be set to run twice a day.
The View needs to be configured such that any patients which have a MyRenalCare program membership have ALL their data sent (i.e. the reference to EVENTCONTROL can be commented out out).
The Channel needs to be configured so that only the following “MyRenalCare Outbound” channel is its destination.
A new channel - “MyRenalCare Outbound” needs to be added as a copy of “PKB Outbound Research”. This needs to go to the MyRenalCare service - details to be supplied.