Common Errors / Solutions

Common Errors / Solutions

ukrdc.services.exceptions.PatientIdentifierNotFoundError: No NHS Number Tags Supplied

The record was submitted without an NHS Number.

ukrdc.services.exceptions.InvalidDataError: Invalid patient postcode

The postcode on the patient record doesn’t conform to the expected format for a UK postcode.

ukrdc.services.exceptions.InvalidDataError: Invalid GP postcode

The postcode being given for the GP (Family Doctor) doesn’t conform to the expected format for a UK post code. Either correct it - or alternatively if you only supply the GP Code / GP Practice Code we will get the address details from the NHS Digital list.

ukrdc.services.exceptions.InvalidDataError: Drug Start Date 1899-12-11 00:00:00 is before DOB

If the Drug Start Date is meant to be a real date correct the entry in the Renal System.

If the Date being supplied is the being used as a place holder because the actual date is not known (likely as in the example above) please contact the UKRR to make sure it is in the list of exceptions.

ukrdc.services.exceptions.InvalidDataError: Observation datetime 1900-01-02 00:00:00 is before DOB

The record should be corrected in the Renal System.

Unlike with medications we expect that a real date will be known for all Observations and so do not make exceptions for ‘placeholder’ values. If the date an observation was taken has not been recorded the record should not be submitted.


This, and any other error which refers to “Work Items” means that there has been an issue trying to match the demographics in the incoming file with what we already hold in our database - such as the DOB has changed. Our staff will have received this error and be investigating, and may be in touch with the unit depending on what the outcome of that is.