Radar Code Base Development

Radar Code Base Development

Holding page for RaDaR Development documentation


Please, refer to the documentation on the radar api and radar client github pages.

Development Notes

The easiest way is to look at some existing pages and copy accordingly. Roughly on the backend side that involves:

  • create/update radar models

  • run alembic to create migration $ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Added/modified table/column, etc."

  • check created migration file (modify if needed) and migrate $ alembic upgrade head 
  • create/update serializer(s), view(s). If it is completely new model/view, register it in radar/api/views/__init__.py 

On the frontend:

  • create component directive
  • create component html page with three (or two if list is not needed) sections - editing, viewing, neither (meaning list view)


There are multiple servers:

  • nww.radar.nhs.uk - main national radar.
  • nww.staging.radar.nhs.uk - staging radar, for testing if everything is working fine. It should have very similar setup to live, including UKRDC feeds.
  • demo.radar.nhs.uk - demo site, used for demo and training purposes.
  • internationalradar.org - international radar site.

National Radar instances should be built using national branch - git checkout national && git merge master . Then follow instructions on github page. International radar needs to be build from international  branch - git checkout international && git merge master. Building on national or international branches overwrite existing build archive, therefore once the build is made, it needs to be deployed to the right instances.

To build a backend archive which then can be deployed to one of the servers:

fab -H root@ --prompt-for-login-password build # this is systems-live

If building using platter then use this command.

platter build --virtualenv-version 15.1.0 -p python3 -r requirements.txt .

To deploy:

fab -H root@nww.staging.radar.nhs.uk --prompt-for-login-password deploy # staging radar
fab -H root@demo.radar.nhs.uk --prompt-for-login-password deploy # demo radar
fab -H root@internationalradar.org --prompt-for-login-password deploy # international radar
fab -H root@nww.radar.nhs.uk --prompt-for-login-password deploy # national radar

Frontend can be built locally with (remember to switch to the correct branch):

git checkout national && git merge master

That will produce a tar.gz archive, which then can be deployed the same way as backend:

fab -H root@nww.radar.nhs.uk --prompt-for-login-password deploy # national radar 

In order for the above command to work, one needs to take fab installation either from radar backend repo, or create a virtualenv inside client package and install fabric.


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