Searching for a record in the UKRDC

Searching for a record in the UKRDC

If you’re looking for a patient brand-new to your renal system, they may not show up immediately. The UKRDC will only store patients we have received a valid data file for. If you only just added the patient, you may need to wait until your renal IT system next sends a feed file to us.

To find a record in the UKRDC, use the Records tab from the navigation menu on the left. This will take you to a search page.

From here, you can search for records we hold from your renal units.

You can search by any combination of the following:

  • Patient name

  • Date of birth

  • NHS/CHI/HSC number

  • Local hospital number


Joining search terms

Search terms separated by spaces will expand the search selection. E.g. if you searched:

“john smith” 1/5/1980

this will return results for patients either called John Smith or born 1/5/1980.

To filter the search selection, join search terms with &&, for example

“john smith” && 1/5/1980

will return results for patients both called John Smith and born 1/5/1980.

Search by renal unit

Under the More Options menu you have the option to select a specific renal unit/facility to search by.

If your search query is empty, this will return all patients for that unit. Including a search term will limit your search to only patients within that facility. E.g., selecting a facility and searching “test” will find any patients matching the term “test” within that facility.

Search results

Search results will display basic information about the patient, including their primary identifier, and basic demographics such as name and date of birth, where available.