2024-04-02 Meeting Notes

2024-04-02 Meeting Notes


Agenda Points

Proposed by

Previous Action





Joel to look into the licence situation - Incomplete

All data managers will require the ability to update ACT and it is unclear if our current license will allow that.

Look into the licence situation - Michael

UKRR to UKRDC export


Finish releasing UKRR models to pypi – Complete 

Assess the NHS number package on pypi – Complete 

Make the changes regarding the demographic data - Incomplete

NHS number package should be used for all validation of NHS numbers moving forward. We should look to replace rr_nhs in scripts and packages.

Submit PR to the NHS number project – Andy 

Make the changes regarding the demographic data - Andy

Quarterly extract


Fran or Sarah to review the most recent extract - Complete

Sarah went over the file and highlighted a few issues. Phil seems to have run a new file so the DM’s will review that and come back to us.

Review the most recent extract – Fran or Sarah

NI PKB send



George is happy for the emails to be sent but needs to hold off the send. 

NI have decide that each unit needs it’s own DSA which will also hold up the send.

Send Emails to Steve - Fran

Patient treatment levels



NHS England want to investigate claims by the units that in 2023 there was a higher than usual increase in patients requiring RRT. 

We will use the Renalware sites to investigate.

Collate the treatment figures for NHS England - George




They have finished work on the emails but we are awaiting confirmation from Caitlin who is on jury duty.


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