Use Case 2 - Primary Renal Diagnosis [old]

Use Case 2 - Primary Renal Diagnosis [old]

This has be prototyped/partially developed prior to the informatics meeting but needs to be scoped more carefully and integrated into the current version of the library. The code can be found here: https://github.com/renalreg/dashboard-stats/tree/dev_for_informatics.


Demographics broken down by primary renal diagnosis. This is lipstick for the current demographics so should be a simple update. The idea is to produce plots of demographics which include primary renal diagnosis. These plots have also been prototyped and will look something like this:

What is the point/aim of this?

Target User(s)

Statisticians, Clinicians


Visualisation List



Cohort description



Cohort description

Age Distribution Split barchart with primary renal diagnosis



Horizontal split bar chart with gender and primary renal diagnosis



Sunburst plot of ethnicity with primary renal diagnosis




(delete where appropriate)

  • dashboard stats

  • ukrdc fastapi

  • ukrdc UI

UKRDC stats dependencies

  • abc base class


Create xy model
Write core query to …
Write abc function to filter patient cohort …






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