Use Case 1 - Incident Prevalent [old]

Use Case 1 - Incident Prevalent [old]

This use case has been partially developed prior to the informatics meeting. The code can be found here: https://github.com/renalreg/dashboard-stats/tree/dev_for_informatics .


Visualizations to show destinations and flows of patients. The key new item of functionality would be a Sankey diagram showing the next modality of each patient. This will look something like the following prototype:

In addition time dependant plots in analogy to those displayed in the annual report will be produced.


Target User(s)

Clinicians, Statisticians



  • dashboard stats - New calculator to be developed this will be based on existing prototype.

  • ukrdc fastapi - Stats calculated will require pre-caching as particularly time dependant stats will be computationally heavy

  • ukrdc UI - New UI tab will be required

UKRDC stats dependencies

  • abc base class



Create xy model
Write core query to …
Write abc function to filter patient cohort …

