2024-03-18 Meeting Notes

2024-03-18 Meeting Notes

Agenda Points



ACT server update

George thinks that a package used for connecting to the database needs swapping out. 

All data managers will require the ability to update ACT, and it is unclear if our current licence will allow that.

Look into the connection issues – @Joel Collins


Look into the licence situation - @Joel Collins

Quarterly extract

Phil has been adding snowmed support to the extract and George continues to review. 

Fran hasn’t managed to look at the most recent extract but hopefully will this week.

Review the most recent extract - @Fran Benoy-Deeney

UKRDC test file submissions

Files from vitalpulse tested and errors sent back. The same for all the CCL files


UKRR to UKRDC export


The per unit demographic portion of this is causing issues, so the demographics from the patient table should be used instead. 

Some wider examination of the result of exporting the treatment needs to take place but for now just get it running on staging

Make the changes regarding the demographic data - @Andrew Atterton

Connection Manager