Viewing a patient record
After, you can click any patient record to view all the data available on that record within the UKRDC.
The Overview tab provides basic, largely unchanging information about the patient such as demographics, identifiers, hospital and GP information, and any program memberships associated with the record (see
All up-to-date data is available from the various other tabs.
You can quickly jump to another record for this patient using the Related Records list
The Medical tab will display a range of medical record information held in the UKRDC for this patient, including test results, observations, medications, and letters/documents.
Data files
The Data Files tab will show a complete list of all data files received by the UKRDC from any facility the current user has permission to access. This will include any error files listed in the Issues tab, as well as successfully received messages.
Audit logs
The Audit tab provides administrators with a way to query which UKRDC users have accessed specific parts of a patient’s record, with full timestamps, resource IDs, user information, and operation information.