TPCKD Validation

TPCKD Validation


GUI app to fix survey loading to UKRDC errors. It connects to Mirth API and fetches all the errored survey uploads.




Clone the code. Setup virtualenv, install requirements. Run

python scripts/tpckd_error_correction.py

If it crashes due to missing cookie file, find the line in the main function in tpckd_error_correction.py file:

credentials = Credentials('admin', 'password')

and change those credentials to mirth username and password. By default it uses tpckd/config.ini file and LIVE section from it. This can be changed by providing alternative config (--config) file and/or other section (--platform) in the file with command line parameters:

python scripts/tpckd_error_correction.py --config tpckd/config.ini --platform STAGING


Install pyinstaller and run (while leaving mirth credentials in):

pyinstaller tpckd_error_correction.spec

This should produce a folder dist/tpckd_error_correction/ with tpckd_error_correction.exe executable inside.


key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.