Sending All Demographics to Live

Sending All Demographics to Live

Log on to live-app.ukrdc.nhs.uk as ukrdc.

Activate the ukrdc-webapi venv.

source ukrdc-webapi/venv/bin/activate

Import the ukrdc-webapi environment variables. This is probably not required for Live but there is no harm in doing it.

source ukrdc-webapi/bin/env_settings.sh

Go to the pkbdump directory and check that the .env file contains the settings which correspond to Live.

MAX_WORKERS=4 PKB_URL="https://nww.patientsknowbest.com:7443/services/hl7" PKB_DEMOGRAPHIC_USERNAME="org_renalresearch" PKB_DEMOGRAPHIC_PASSWORD="" PKB_RECORD_USERNAME="partner_renal" PKB_RECORD_PASSWORD="" MIRTH_URL="https://live-mirth.ukrdc.nhs.uk/api" MIRTH_USER="admin" MIRTH_PASS="" MIRTH_RDA_INBOUND_ID="734cb3a0-2b4a-4746-ac2a-f353b5b9f491" STORE_RESPONSES="./.responses" STORE_DRYRUN="./.dryrun" UKRDC_HOST="live-db.ukrdc.nhs.uk" UKRDC_USER="ukrdc" UKRDC_PASS="" REDIS_HOST="localhost" REDIS_PORT="6379" REDIS_DB="0"

Remove or rename any existing .dryrun and .responses folders.

Run -

There is no need to let the script run to completion and it can be cancelled after a short while.

Immediately inside the .dryrun directory will be some files named similar to 1000422831_ADT_A28_MINIMAL_0 . The main thing to check at this stage of the project is that the files contain a Post Code other than “BS10 5NB” - i.e. that the demographics in the file are the patient’s actual record and not the fake details we have been using for the Sandbox.

Run -

This will send approximately 75,000 files to PKB and take a couple of days to complete.

Whilst this is running log on to live-app.ukrdc.nhs.uk as ukrdc a second time and go into the pkbdump/.responses folder. Look in the success folder to see how many messages have been sent so far, and the failud folder to see how many issues there have been. If there are more than a handful of errors you would want to stop until you had investigated what was causing them.

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