PROM PAM Reporting
Report that combines all the surveys from the unit into a single excel spreadsheet with multiple tabs for each survey section.
Producing the report
Clone the codebase to your local file system.
Create and activate virtual environment.
Install python requirements from requirements.txt file into virtual environment
Run script. Make sure your computer can connect to UKRDC database and you have a password for ukrdc user.
That will connect to UKRDC database, fetch from vwe_survey_data view, limiting results to greater than 2017-08-21. Filtering is done because surveys earlier than that date had different set of questions. Once the script finishes, there should be a directory named output-date_stamp. That directory needs to be given back to programs people, usually by putting whole folder to Q:\PROMS\Unit Reports and notifying them that it is done.
All the same steps as in "Producing the report", except no need to produce the report.