2019-07-01 Meeting notes

2019-07-01 Meeting notes




  • Review outstanding tasks and plan next weeks tasks

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks
  • The simplified files are now processed daily at 4.00 am using the file sent in by the project. Currently the sensu checks assume a once the week transfer and will need adjusting if this is now a daily occurrence.
  • George Swinnerton has added a version to the ukrdc schema and also a version attribute for suppliers to reference the schema version they are conforming to. With the current code base and processing structure only one schema version is supported. We would have to build multiple channels one for each schema to support different schema versions. This would also require a switcher to choose the appropriate channel. Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) suggested the schema should also have a comment/annotation containing the version date as listed in the changelog as a quick indicator of schema age. Currently no version has been added to the PV schema. We also need to ensure the changelog clearly details the change and why.
  • Schemas in the validation code have a date field that hasn't been updated with code changes and they also need a version number added. This is still pending.
  • George Swinnerton hasn't looked at the study group question.
  • Beth has confirmed the revised yourhealth survey report generated from UKRDC database is correct. 
  • Kings feed has now been expanded to include all registry patients George Swinnerton thinks there are still some bits missing where the promised expansion has not been done such as timeline extra detail. We should now have sufficient data to produce an extract from the data supplied. One issue identified is the when the patient is first seen. This should be derivable however it looks like not all the data for patients has been migrated meaning we haven't been sent a full historic record to use for the date derivation. This means we need a new patient attribute added for date first seen.  As a result of the progress there doesn't seem an immediate need to have a meeting with Tim the developer for Renalware.
  • George Swinnerton hasn't done anything about the updating of the Nurture extract.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) hasn't documented the UKRR Extract and this needs to be done. George Swinnerton needs to ensure that he hasn't made any changes that contradict the description and update as required. Andrew Atterton could be used as a reviewer to ensure the information is detailed enough and doesn't assume the wrong things.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) started documenting the processes and code but there is more to do including specific instructions for our versions such deploying radar to live, staging, demo or international radar.
  • Validation George Swinnertonprogressed any tickets. Andrew Attertonwill start addressing some of the simpler tickets. George Swinnertonwill provide technical input whilst Andrew finds his feet.
  • RaDaR an issue has been found to do with permissions when viewing results where a forbidden popup appears but then allows the user to view the results this would appear to be a bug though the original permissions document suggested that the forbidden popup should have prevented the viewing of the data. The issue has now been resolved across all radar installations.
 Sheffield PV feed Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

 Sheffield appear to be sending some tests using the testname for the testcode. George Swinnertonwill follow up with them.

Action items

  • George Swinnertonto contact Sheffield about the incorrect use of testname for testcode in their PV feeds.  

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